I'm Matty Dalrymple, The Indy Author, and I invite you to join me at The Indy Author Podcast, where we discuss the writing craft, the publishing voyage, and how we can navigate our way to the readers who will love our books.
I hope that you'll consider supporting my efforts with a small contribution via Patreon. There are several membership levels, starting at $1/month which calculates to about 25 cents per podcast episode, which I like to think is quite a bargain. As a patron, you have access to a private online community that includes other writers—from those drafting their first work to established, award-winning, and bestselling authors—as well as past podcast guests.
You’ll also get invitations to my patron-and-guest-exclusive events, including the MINING THE MOVIES WITH TROPETALK live events, where Trope expert Jennifer Hilt and I, along with our guests, discuss how tropes are used in movies, and how we can apply lessons from those movies to our books.
And if you’ve gotten value from The Indy Author Podcast or my other resources and were thinking, “I wish I could buy Matty a cup of coffee”—you can do that thanks to Buy Me a Coffee.
Thank you for considering becoming a patron of The Indy Author. I'm looking forward to the creative voyage we'll take together.
Cheers! Matty
What listeners are saying about The Indy Author Podcast ...
"Such great information. You are amazing and the content you provide is incredible." —Efrem, The Indy Author Podcast listener
"I'm not good at listening to podcasts. I usually end up bored by the chit-chat or ads & never listen again. But I listened to this beginning to end and found it very useful and informative. Looking forward to more episodes!" Samantha Wilcoxson on Episode #224 Secrets of Maximizing In-person Sales with Todd Fahnestock
"I find your podcasts consistently excellent ... and your questions spot on."--Award-winning author Judy L. Murray
"I love how The Indy Author podcast challenges some of the assumptions in the time-worn (and out of date) advice that authors receive about marketing their work. Matty is a skilled and engaged interviewer; her approach to the podcast and her guests is extremely professional and I like the options to listen or watch on YouTube, too. There's an excellent mix here of tactical advice, marketing strategy, and mindset." --Podchaser reviewer Pauline W.
“Very helpful content, especially for this new author, as she’s meeting me where I am in this process—very helpful, useful and easy to understand. Lots of good tips in this highly contextual business. I don’t feel as alone. Thank you!”--KM Clark via Apple Podcasts
"Matty, I'm very impressed with your interview skills! Great breadth of questions asked, and you have a good sense for allowing the interviewee to say what they want while keeping the conversation on point. You earned a subscriber today :)" —Jack M., subscriber to The Indy Author Podcast on YouTube
"You ask very good questions and do a lovely job leading interviews fluidly and to topics authors must find quite useful."—Tiffany Yates Martin, The Indy Author Podcast listener and guest on Episode 053 - What Authors Can Learn from TV and Movies
"Thanks for all the work you do with the podcast and in bringing such wonderful guests on to interview. I listen to a lot of podcasts on writing and publishing, and you’re really one of the most prepared and best interviewers in the space." —Kathy B., The Indy Author Podcast listener
"Matty, this was so entertaining. You each listened to each other beautifully and provided a seamless, interesting discussion." —Lisa H., The Indy Author Podcast listener in reference to Episode 040 with Hank Phillippi Ryan
"I appreciate how direct and practical your questions and choice of subject matter are."—Chris R., The Indy Author Podcast listener
"Keep up the great work Matty, the self publishing community appreciates you :)" --Easy Graphics on YouTube
What guests are saying about The Indy Author Podcast ...
"Matty, I've been interviewed in print and podcast numerous times. Your promotional efforts of my appearance on THE INDY AUTHOR has been, hands-down, the best I've experienced. I even had another writer friend point this out. Kudos to you! The job you've done is fantastic!"—Frank Zafiro, guest on Episode 160 - Mistakes Writers Make about Police Roles and How to Avoid Them
"I hopped onto a video chat and hit it off with Matty from the get-go. We easily burned through an hour of content and could’ve done another hour if time permitted. But just when I thought she was done and it was over, she blew me away. Matty is a promotional machine! Wow!Matty broke down the interview into small sound bites and broadcast it across social media. I’ve never been on a podcast where the host has done so much to promote an appearance. I felt like I was slacking with my promotions when looking at her."—Multi-appearance guest Dale L. Roberts of Self-Publishing with Dale
Looking for an overview of the publishing process?
You won't get a better overview of the publishing process than the one Orna Ross of The Alliance of Independent Authors shares in the episode series on The Seven Processes of Publishing. Check out the video for excerpts, then dive into each process at the links below!